Just My Socks中的s3(第3条服务器线路)已经更新为V2协议,提供UUID和Port,另外,Just My Socks在5条服务器线路的基础上新增了一个s801服务器,freedom server(自由服务器),目前自由服务器的流量使用只计算10%。
Just My Socks引入V2
这个更新应该算是重磅更新了,之前都是只有$hado$ocks的,现在s3(第3条线路)已经更换成了V2,提供UUID和Port。另外,除了s3是V2外,Just My Socks新增的s801(自由服务器)也是V2,除了服务器IP地址不一样外,所有的连接信息均与s3一致。
Just My Socks s801自由服务器是什么
- 不保证线路质量
- 流量计算跟 data transfer multiplier 这个系数有关,例如现在是 10x,那么只算使用流量的 10%,也就是说你用 s801 自由服务器时,下载一个20GB的数据,其实只算你用了2GB
What is Freedom server (s801)?
Freedom server offers more data transfer, depending on current multiplier.
This server offers less expensive routing and comes with no guarantees of any kind. Use it to save your monthly data transfer allowance.
For example, if current data transfer multiplier = 10, then only 1/10th of everything you download will count towards your monthly data quota.
Practical example: let’s say, you would like to download a 20 GB (20000MB) file via our network. If you use servers from s1..s5 range for this download, then our system will account all 20GB of data transfer (plus any TCP overhead).
However, if you use server s801 for this transfer and the current multiplier is 10, then our system will only account for 1/10th of that transfer (20GB / 10 = 2 GB)NOTE: Data transfer multiplier can be changed at any time.
NOTE: We do not offer ANY quality or uptime guarantees regarding server s801. It is provided as a courtesy and can be taken offline at any time.
接入v2和新增s801自由服务器这两个更新香吗?如果你还在迟疑买不买搬瓦工JustMySocks,现在就是下决心的时候!买买买:搬瓦工Just My Socks购买教程与优惠码使用