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Just My Socks洛杉矶套餐升级!同时提供三网CN2 GIA、日本节点和10倍流量节点

Just My Socks洛杉矶套餐是Just My Socks第一个套餐类型,虽然现在陆续上线了日本节点香港节点,但是洛杉矶节点无疑是受众面最广的一款。最近,小编在使用JustMySocks时发现,洛杉矶套餐居然默默做了升级,除了三网CN2 GIA和之前的10倍流量s801服务器外,居然又增加了一个日本软银节点!

Just My Socks洛杉矶套餐

Just My Socks洛杉矶套餐是门槛最低的套餐,月付5.88美元,并且Just My Socks LA 1000和Just My Socks LA 5000都是不限制设备数量的,很多公司用户也会优先考虑不限制设备数量的套餐,详细的配置和价格如下表,可以看到比日本节点和香港节点还是便宜非常多的:

Just My Socks 洛杉矶2.5 Gbit500GB/月$5.88/月最多5个设备同时在线立即购买
Just My Socks 洛杉矶5 Gbit1000GB/月$9.88/月不限制设备数量立即购买
Just My Socks 洛杉矶5 Gbit5000GB/月$48.99 / 月不限制设备数量立即购买
Just My Socks 洛杉矶5 Gbit10000GB/月$93.99/月不限制设备数量立即购买
Just My Socks 伦敦2.5 Gbit500GB/月$5.50/月最多5个设备同时在线立即购买
Just My Socks 日本100 Mbps100GB/月$29.99/月最多3个设备同时在线立即购买
Just My Socks 日本200 Mbps500GB/月$135.99/月最多5个设备同时在线立即购买
Just My Socks 日本500 Mbps1000GB/月$239/月不限制设备数量立即购买
Just My Socks 香港100 Mbps100GB/月$34.99/月最多3个设备同时在线立即购买
Just My Socks 香港500 Mbps500GB/月$149.99/月最多5个设备同时在线立即购买
Just My Socks 香港1 Gbit1000GB/月$279.99/月不限制设备数量立即购买
Just My Socks 香港 IPLC300 Mbps300GB/月$21/月3立即购买
Just My Socks 香港 IPLC1 Gbit1000GB/月$59/月不限制设备数量立即购买

如何购买:搬瓦工Just My Socks注册与购买教程与优惠码使用


Just My Socks洛杉矶节点描述

其实之前小编就已经给大家分享了Just My Socks洛杉矶套餐新增了日本软银节点了:Just My Socks洛杉矶套餐新增日本节点!,但是当时是三网CN2 GIA+日本软银二选一,即有些用户是提供三网CN2 GIA,有些用户是提供日本软银,在最新的节点描述中,这两个线路已经改成了同时提供:

We provide you with 5 IPs which have slightly different routing:

cXs1 and cXs2 are routed via CN2 GT network with additional China Unicom and China Mobile direct connectivity. We use multiple CN2 GT datacenters, so both servers are not routed equally to ensure maximum resiliency.

Server cXs3 is routed via CN2 GIA network provided by China Telecom

Server cXs4 uses our Osaka Softbank (Japan) POP

Server cXs5 uses our Netherlands POP with CN2 GIA support for all 3 carriers (CU/CM/CT) on return path

Depending on your provider (CT, CU, CM) you may see different connection speeds using different servers, so we recommend trying out each server to see which one works best for you.

Please see your service information page to see detailed configuration of each server and pick the one that works best for you.

Just My Socks洛杉矶


  • cXs1和cXs2是CN2 GT,移动和联通是直连
  • cXs3是电信CN2 GIA
  • cXs4是日本大阪软银
  • cXs5是荷兰三网CN2 GIA

另外,还有第6条s801是10倍流量的专门用户下载的节点:Just My Socks s3更新为V2,且新增s801服务器(自由服务器)

官网描述详情:Which address should I use?

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